axel kristinsson's web

axel kristinsson

I am an independent historian, attached to the Reykjavik Academy, with an interest in macro-history, complexity theory and an evolutionary approach.

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contact information

I mostly work from home and my address is:

Axel Kristinsson
Grundargerði 9
IS-108 Reykjavík

Phone: (+354) 588 8709
Cell phone: (+354) 892 8709

Click here to email me

CV – Full Icelandic version

CV – Short English version

under reconstruction

I was recently diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. It sheds new light on my life, to put it mildly. My symptoms are not very obvious but then again, I've been pretending to be normal for more than 50 years and I think I'm getting the hang of it. That's all I care to say for the time being.