The CAHD Papers
"The CAHD papers" is an Internet journal that publishes, in PDF format, various articles relevant to the CAHD agenda. Each piece is published as a separate issue and is made available as a free download. Feel free to send us articles that you wish to publish in this way. We accept papers in English or in Icelandic. Below is a list of issues - the most recent at the top. Click to download.
- Issue 4 (2009): Axel Kristinsson, 'The Revered Outlaw: Gísli Súrsson and the Sturlungs'
- Issue 3 (2008): Agnes Siggerður Arnórsdóttir, 'Var sjálfsþurft ríkjandi á Íslandi á miðöldum?'
- Issue 2 (2007): Árni Daníel Júlíusson, 'Peasants, aristocracy and state power in Iceland 1400-1650'
- Issue 1 (2007): Axel Kristinsson, 'Falsanir og falsrök' - Umræða um kenningu Boulhosa um Gamla sáttmála.
Other works available for download:
- Árni Daníel Júlíusson, BØNDER I PESTENS TID: Landbrug, godsdrift og social konflikt i semiddelalderens islandske bondesamfund.. PhD dissertation (large file).